THMS with TONS of Recipe Flavor Options, Quick & Easy

You are going to L-O-V-E this quick and easy fudge recipe, because it will give you TONS of flavor options. The base recipe is delicious, but you can add so many different flavor options with extracts and mix-ins. Check it out!
3/4 cup THM on-plan chocolate chips
1/2 cup sugar free all natural nut butter OR 1/2 cup cream cheese or dairy free cream cheese
1/4 cup Integral Collagen
1 to 1 1/2 tsp natural burst extract (optional flavor options)
any optional S mixins- coconut, nuts, onplan peppermints, onplan baking chips in your favorite flavors i.e. white chocolate, butterscotch, peppermint, etc.
In a microwave safe glass dish, melt baking chips and nut butter or cream cheese or dairy free cream cheese on 50% power beginning with about 45 seconds. Remove from microwave, stir for a while to let heat of bowl melt chips. If chips are not completely melted, microwave again on 50% power for another 20-30 seconds, repeating until melted, being careful not to overheat.
Once completely melted, decide if you desire to add any flavor options or mixins listed above. Stir those in if desired. It’s important to note that everyone has different tastebuds and sweeteness preferences when it comes to fudge. Always taste the fudge before you finish and let it set. See if you need a pinch of salt or sweetener. Use powdered sweetener so you don’t have a gritty texture from granular sweetener. Add a little at a time and tailor it to your tastebuds. Make it your own!
Line any size pan, depending on how thick you’d like your fudge, with parchment. Spread fudge into lined pan. Chill in frige or freezer. Once solid, cut into small squares. Store in fridge.